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Pulsation Breathwork

Pulsation is a method of physical, emotional and energetic self-exploration which leads to the realization of our life energy potential. It enables us to return to our natural original vitality and expressive power.

From our childhood we have learned to suppress our own vitality. This brings on various pathologies like depression and chronic stress.

To Become Free As You Truly Are
To Become Free As You Truly Are

In Pulsation we use breathing exercises and body movements, which are based on a body-map that divides the body to different sections of energy flow and enables us to connect and open different energies in our body. This restores our feeling of being complete and joyful and welcomes the celebration and love in our life.

Happiness Is Your Birth Right
Happiness Is Your Birth Right

In each session, we will discuss a different self exploration topic, combine physical and mental health together with a corresponding breathing exercises, body movements, sound, emotional expression activities, and meditation techniques to support connection to our vitality and spontaneous expression.